Sunday, April 29, 2012

How much is your time worth?

We have recently been having problems with the council, there were some road works on the street outside the rental property. After some back and forth between us and the council they have said that since it was not the council that was doing the work they did not accept liability.

It was our view that the council is responsible, because it is their responsibility to supply clean water. The roading contractor was not hired by us or doing work on our property. The work was being done on council land and therefore the council must have given consent for the works to be done.

The plumbers bill came to about $110, we were not worried about the amount involved but more the principal. Principals will only go so far, we have decided to pay the bill ourselves and take the easier path. So the big guys win again by simply denying responsibility, but we are very busy people and look at this as a stress-less fee.

Maybe this is not the best course of action in the long term, but in the short term we feel out limited time is better spent trying to relax after working hard and trying to get ahead. This whole property investing thing is somewhat stressful and this was a "cheap" stress reduction.

These are just my thoughts, I encourage you to do more research as these are big decisions and they will be with you for years to come good or bad. Choose to fight the battles that you can not only win but are worth winning, we decided $110 wasn't worth the stress of fighting even though we were most likely in the right.

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